******** UPDATED
HOUR 23 ********
I made it to hour 16 and then fell asleep.
I'm up reading a little more before the readathon ends.
I made it to hour 16 and then fell asleep.
I'm up reading a little more before the readathon ends.
This will be my very last readathon while pregnant. Yay! Unfortunately I'm on bedrest this weekend. I'm 35 weeks pregnant and have had a
few preterm labor scares so far. I will be putting my feet up and reading
today, but might not be updating as frequently as I normally do. I'll also be
helping my husband with my 3-year-old, so we'll see how this goes.
This is my 15th readathon (see links below). Here's a link for more info about the Dewey Readathon. Today you can find me posting on
Litsy and Instagram as @avidreader25 as well as here.
Reading Stats
Pages Read: 885
Currently Reading: #IMomSoHard
Books Finished: 6: Lift, The Night of the Iguana, If This Isn't Nice, What Is?, The Handmaid's Tale (graphic novel), Leaf by Niggle, and A Delicate Balance
Snacks Eaten: Cinnamon raisin English muffin, ice cream bar, chicken tacos
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from
today? Indianapolis, IN
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward
to? The brand new graphic novel of The Handmaid's Tale and Lift by Kelly Corrigan.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? I'm
pregnant... so all of them! Definitely dark chocolate pretzels and maybe a Starbucks flat white.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! My second
kiddo is due in exactly one month! I also love to travel, have been to 16 countries, and I review live theatre in the Midwest.
5) If you participated in the last readathon, what’s one
thing you’ll do different today? I will be resting a lot more. Being pregnant
means my energy level is a lot lower than normal.

Mini Challenges:
1) Book and a Snack at The Book Monsters.

Mini Challenges:
1) Book and a Snack at The Book Monsters.
2) Literary Clue
3) Book Cover Puzzle
Mid-Event Survey:
1) What are you reading right now? #IMomSoHard, I love the authors' web series and so I knew this one would be hilarious!
2) How many books have you read so far? Finished 4
3) What book are you most looking forward to? I'm rereading the Harry Potter series right now and I'm on book 6. I'll dive back in that if I finish my current read.
4) Have you had many interruptions? I have a toddler... so yes.
5) What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? How beautiful the weather had been! Lots of outdoor reading.
April and October 2011 / April and October 2012 / April and October 2013 / April 2014 / April and October 2015 /April and October 2016 / April and October 2017 / April and October 2018.
Photos by me.