Here's this week's meme from Lost in Books. I've seen many horrible covers, but my list is only made up of books I've actually read.
1) A Girl Named Zippy - The baby is creepy, enough said. (And yes, I know it's the author, but that doesn't make it any less odd).

2) Hadassah: One Night with the King - This is an interesting re-telling of the Biblical story of Esther, but the cover makes it look like a cheap romance.

3) Where the Birds Go When It Rains - You can't even tell what the blue blob is suppose to be, a bouncing ball or a whirling time portal? Unfortunately it's the latter.
lol! Yep, those are all pretty terrible :P
You're right- these are pretty bad. Especially the last one. Wow.
Is that book like the movie One Night with the King? It was about Esther. I really liked that movie.
I own the first book and I gotta say I agree that it's a terrible cover! Even if the author was attached to using that picture, you'd think they could have chosen a better background for it!
Rebecca- The movie is based on this book. That's why I read it. And the movie did a good job, but man, that cover.
Dang, you found some really good ones! Good bad ones. You know what I mean.
Awwww...I love "A Girl Named Zippy." I'm going to have to regretfully disagree with you on that one!
Jenners- I really liked the book itself. It was such a fun read and it's set in Indiana, which is where I'm from. It's just the cover that creeped me out.
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