- Plainsong* by Kent Haruf
- American Gods* by Neil Gaiman
- The Shining* by Stephen King
- The Stand* by Stephen King
- The Song of the Lark* by Willa Cather
- Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
- The Song of the Lark* by Willa Cather
- Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
- Columbine* by Dave Cullen
- Centennial by James Michener
- Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer
- Whiteout by Ted Conover
Authors Known for Writing about the State:
- Whiteout by Ted Conover
Authors Known for Writing about the State:
- John Dunning
Authors Who Lived Here:
Authors Who Lived Here:
- Neal Cassady
- Hunter S. Thompson
- Ken Kesey
Great Bookstores:
Great Bookstores:
*Books I've Read
Photo by moi.
This series is really showing me how concentrated my reads are to a handful of states:(
I have had American Gods for a while, but can't seem to get started on it.
American Gods was set in Colorado? huh.
I've read some Hunter S.Thompson but that's it from your list.
BookQuoter - It's made me realize that I read a TON of books set in England.
Care - Parts of American Gods are in Colorado, but not all of it. Funny fact, my parents lived in Colorado for awhile in the 1970s and they lived next door to Thompson.
wow - he'd be a trip for a neighbor!
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