Bookish thoughts on everything from literary fiction to classics to nonfiction.
Librarian for a day
Friday, January 28, 2011
Posted by Melissa (Avid Reader)This past weekend I played librarian and finally had a chance to organize my entire library at home. My husband and I got married in Oct. '09 and moved out of apartments and into a house. For the first time in my life I was able to set up a real library, but in the midst of moving/getting married, etc. I didn't set it up quite how I wanted to.
Now, after all that hoopla, switching jobs, vacations, holidays, and more, I finally had a whole day to devote to the project. I have one more bookcase in our guest room that's filled with children's books, but I didn't mess with that one. My nieces and nephews tear it apart when they come over (which is good, that's what kids books are for) so I didn't want to alphabetize them.
I took all of the books off the shelves, stacked them by category and finally added them back to their bookcases in alphabetical order. The only thing I still need to figure out is how to label the categories... or maybe I don't need to. I haven't decided yet.
The categories I chose are: nonfiction, poetry, plays, classics, sci-fi/fantasy, religion, travel guides, travel memoirs, fiction, young adult, mysteries, short stories and audiobooks. Tell me if you guys think of any I should add.
It took a total of 7 hours, but I couldn't be happier with the result. I tend to read multiple books at a time and I love the fact that now I'll be able to go straight to the category I want and pick out my next book. Life is good.
Photos by moi.
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Well done! I can't think of any categories to add. I dream of the day when I'll settle somewhere and create my own library. Right now my book collection is divided between two countries and I have no idea how soon it will be reunited.
Looks like an extremely productive day. Great job. My books our in 2 locations, plus a walk in closet. My goal is to be able to weed the collection down to where I can see every book and not have them double stacked.
Very organised. Far more so than me - I just try and squeeze them in where I can. I also have a limited amount of space allocated to me for books at home so often have to get rid of books to charity.
Well done! Looks fantastic.... and I love the bookcase with your favorite books.
Boy am I jealous of all of your bookcases! One of these days...
Where are your graphic novels???? We need to work on that category!
Nice work :-) I'm very jealous of all the order on your shelves...mine are all double-stacked and piled on top.
You remind me of my younger self! We used to have a vast library of books which as a librarian were all arranged in subject or alphabetical for fiction, still are actually but on a smaller scale since moving to Italy.
Nymeth - Just kept telling yourself it'll happen one day. Until a year ago my books were mainly boxed up in three separate locations for years.
Dianel/Falaise - I got rid of about 40-50 books, which I was definitely proud of. It's amazing how you tend to fill whatever space you have.
Sarah - Me too! Someone gave it to us and I had no idea what to do with it. I don't need a china cabinet to display my nonexistent fancy dishware. Then the Huz suggested filling it with books and it was perfect!
Sandy - Graphic Novels, of course! I actually have a category section for that one, which holds about 15 different GNs. I just forgot to include it in the post. Thanks!
booksploing - My Huz thought I hadn't gotten rid of any books when he saw the finished product. But he didn't realize that before the re-organization most of the shelves had a whole row of books behind them.
LindyLouMac - For the chance to live in Italy I might be able to pare down my collection.
What a great feeling that must be! We need to do some organizing of our books since we moved them around in a hurry after a flood, but it's such an overwhelming task we haven't made time for it yet.
You must be feeling pleased with all of the that work! Very jealous of your library ;p
Great job! I'm so jealous. Your library is gorgeous and I love your bookshelves. I would love to have a dedicated library, but with kids, I don't have much space for it. I think they have more books than I do!
Wow...and my husband thought I had a lot of books...lol! Looks wonderful! :)
I'm so jealous.
Matt promised me that when we get a house a room will be set aside for my library. I cannot wait for that day to happen!
I alphabetize my books as well-some people find that weird!
Hello gorgeous! That is one enviable library :D
That sounds like 7 hours of great fun!! I also use Xmas lights to create atmosphere around my bookshelves :)
Oh my goodness. It's gorgeous. Really gorgeous. I am so impressed and slightly green with envy. :)
You really do have a your own library!! How amazing and wonderful. You should create a little card catalog and open it up for lenders! HAHA!
It seems unnecessary to add my two cents worth when everyone has already said it - but I am soooooooooo jealous! I absolutely can't wait until I have a house and can have my own library space.
this is wonderful. gorgeous.
Can I just say that you're my hero?! Well done!
WOW, so awesome! Thanks for sharing!!
You guys are awesome. Thanks for reminding me that my library is wonderful. Sometimes non-readers walk into our house and look at me like I’m a crazy person who is wasting all my space. Obviously I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way, but it’s so wonderful to know that there are people out there, like me, who see a room filled with books as a joy and not a sign of insanity.
Kristi – I have no idea what will happen if we have kids in a few years. Will I have to get rid of some of the bookshelves so they don’t destroy them? Gah, it makes me anxious just thinking about toddlers ripping the covers off my books with their sticky little hands.
Allie – I’m incredibly lucky that my husband puts up with my ever-growing library. He does have a man room, so there’s some balance.
Alexander – I put them up at Christmas time when we first moved in and they made the room so cozy that I never took them down.
Jenners – Don’t think I haven’t thought of it…
Becky – Being able to have my own library makes all the stupid house things, like replacing gutters and mowing the yard, worth while!
The thing about kids is that you can usually teach them not to do the things that drive you most crazy. My kids always took good care of books. We did attach the tall bookshelf in my younger kid's bedroom to his wall, because he'd try to climb it to get a book at the top.
Jeanne - That's so encouraging! I hope I can teach whatever kids we may have that books are to be loved and cared for... not chewed on. I might be confusing kids with puppies.
My kids have done pretty well with books. Sadly, even despite teaching, kids still sometimes make mistakes. My two year old went through phase where she colored on everything--walls, books, herself. She didn't get to too many books but I have some lovely pink crayon marks on a few pages of my hardback Harry Potter books. :)
Kristi - Oh no! I think I just need to accept that things like that will happen, but it's ok.
What a gorgeous library set-up! I am so envious!
Um...cookbooks? My cookies book when it comes out? Ha. Actually, those really belong in the kitchen, don't they? This is a great idea and I imagine you probably remembered a lot of things about the books you've read as you organized them.
Happy Lunar New Year. It's the year of the Rabbit!
Mari - The cookbooks are in the kitchen, but oh my goodness, there is definitely room for your cookie book when it comes out. I've seen your amazing cookies. Anyone who can create a Jane Austen made of icing is my kinda girl.
I am so jealous! Your library looks awesome and cozy and I would like to visit it. :)
What a gorgeous, gorgeous library! Almost brings a tear to my eye. And what *is* it about Xmas lights that so become bookshelves?!
Thank you! I don't know what exactly it is about Christmas lights, but they really are perfect in libraries.
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