This week's Top Ten from The Broke and the Bookish asks for my Top Ten books in the genre of my choice. I decided to do Victorian novels, because to complete the Victorian Literature Challenge last year I read 15 books from that period and I have a few others I already loved.
The Victorian era is usually defined as the lifespan of Queen Victoria, who reigned from 1837-1901. Books published during these particular years and authors who lived during this time usually fall in the “Victorian” category. I’ll also add that there are still many Victorian novels that I haven’t read yet, so if you don’t see your favorite here, tell me I should read it soon!
1) David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1850)
2) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (1847)
3) The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (1890)
4) Middlemarch by George Eliot (1874)
5) Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy (1895)
6) Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886)
7) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1892)
8) The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James (1881)
9) The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (1859)
10) Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell (1851)
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Have you read others by Gaskell? North and South is my favorite, but I know that Cranford or even Wives & Daughters is more popular.
*hangs head in shame* I have read none of these.
Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone is on my reread list because I haven't read it since high school, and that was many, many years ago, but I remember loving it.
Alex - I haven't, shameful, I know. Wives and Daughters and North and South are both high on my TBR. Sounds like maybe North and South should be next.
Sandy - I think you would really like Sherlock and maybe Jekyll and Hyde. You should try some of the Sherlock short stories to see what you think.
annieb - I really liked The Woman in White, so I've been wanting to read The Moonstone. It sounds like it would make a good winter read.
I know for sure I have read #8 and #9. I own #10 and can't decide if I should just say I read Jane Eyre or read it (again) and be sure.
I've only read three from this list and have two on my TBR. I'll have to revisit this when I'm trying to decide which Victorian to read next. Nice list!
I look forward to your reviews of these excellent reads. I was invited to join The Classics Club by Jillian too, what a wonderful idea. But I'm still thinking about it... I just may not be able to take up such a formidable challenge. ;) However, I'd love to stop by and read your sharing of them.
I didn't realize Jekyll and Hyde would count, or that it was that old! That would definitely make my list. So would Jane Eyre and Dorian Gray, along with Return of the Native and a few others. :)
bkclubcare - Reread it just for fun!
Brenna - Doing the Vic. lit challenge last year made me realize how many great books fall into that category.
Arti - The Classics Club is a great idea. If you change your mind, you should join in!
Amanda - Return of the Native is on my list for this year! Your high recommendation made me add it to my list.
Love these books! Well, except Portrait of a Lady, which is the only one I haven't read... should I read it? Add it to the pile? :)
(Sorry for such a late comment... I'm TERRIBLE at the commenting lately!)
Suey - I struggled with Portrait of a Lady. It's beautifully written and I loved some aspects, but when characters make decisions that you know will end badly for them, it's frustrating! I think it's absolutely worth reading, but it's not one I fell in love with.
p.s. No worries about the late comment! Comments are good no matter when they post. I've been so busy lately, I've gotten behind in my blog reading lately and I always feel bad.
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