I've found another fun reading challenge that I just can't resist. This one was just too interesting. Instructions are explained for choosing each book. I've figured out the book I'll read for a few of them, but I'll post an update once I have them all.
1. Random Book Selection. Go to the library. Position yourself in a section such as Fiction. Then write down random directions for yourself (for example, third row, second shelf, fifth book from right). Follow your directions and see what book you find.
Book: "Their eyes were watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston
2. Random Word. Go to this random word generator and generate a random word. Find a book with this word in the title. Read the book and write about it.
Word: Highway
Book: "Blue Highways: A Journey into America" by William Least Heat-Moon
3. Birth Year Book. Find a book that was published in the year of your birth.
Book: "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros
4. Judge A Book By Its Cover. Pick out a book based SOLELY on the cover.
Book: "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
5. Phoning An Author. Pick a random last name out of the phone book. Find an author with the same last name and read a book by them.
Name: Morris
Book: "O Pioneers!" by Willa Cather
6. Public Spying. Find someone who is reading a book in public. Find out what book they are reading and then read the same book.
Book: "Little Children" by Tom Perrotta
7. Random Bestseller. Go to Random.org and, using the True Random Number Generator, enter the number 1950 for the min. and 2008 for the max. and then hit generate. Then find the bestseller list for that year and pick a book.
Year: 2007
Book: "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan
8. Turn on your iPod and hit play, the first song that comes on at random, find a book that shares at least one word in its title with the title of that song.
iPod song- Fool for a Lonesome Train by Ben Harper
Book: "Fool" by Christopher Moore
9. Have Random.org give you a number between 1 and 1,000 and read the book that is that number of the list of 1,000 books to read before you die.
Number: 689
Book: "Strait is the Gate" by André Gide
10. Movie/Book Comparison. Find a book that you haven't read that has a movie based on it that you haven't seen. Read the book and watch the movie within a few days of each other.
Book: "Proof" by David Auburn
Photo by Pidge
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