Emergencies Kit

Friday, August 9, 2013

I have an emergency kit in my car. It contains a roll of paper towels, a first aid kit, jumper cables, a small container of kitty litter (perfect for providing traction if you're stuck in ice), a portable battery jump, and... a book. 

Of course it has a book in it! What if my car breaks down and I'm stranded on the side of the road for a few hours, obviously I will need a book! The Huz doesn't seem to think this is an essential "emergency" item. 

Do you guys have any book related practices that might seem odd to a non-reader?

Photo by moi. 


annieb said...

I pretty much have books stashed everywhere in case of "emergencies." I have books in progress all over my house (including the bathroom), in my car, and at work. Those are all real books and I also have a Kindle in my purse. I am going on a two-week Oregon coast vacation soon and will be taking a book for each day I will be gone in addition to the Kindle, which has about 140 books loaded. My motto: You Never Know.

Nikki Steele @ BookPairing.com said...

Heheh! I always have a journal with me (two in the car!) in case I ever have a really pressing need to write something down.

The Relentless Reader said...

Ha, love this! I don't have an emergency book reading kit but I don't EVER leave the house without whatever I'm currently reading :D

Sandy Nawrot said...

I always have a book in the car. Always. And just in case I forget and have a reading emergency, there is always the Kindle app on the phone! I have been told that it is very strange to either read or listen to an audio while I am putting on my makeup and doing my hair. But it has always been that way.

Captain Nick Sparrow said...

Lol! I always have an "emergency back-up book" in my car. For the past couple years it's been The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe. I've been getting through it bit by bit (in emergency situations ;) because for me it's not a sit down and read in one sitting type of story.

Sarah said...

Well, I ALWAYS have to have a book in my purse. Every time I don't, I end up regretting it, so now I won't leave the house without one.

And I have a similar "emergency" situation bag in my trunk, called a "Get Home" bag, and OF COURSE there are two books in it! One is Outlander (because in a time of stress, comfort reading it ideal) and The Worse Case Scenario Handbook because you know... it seems appropriate.

See, not so weird at all! :-)

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I have more book/ reading gadgets in my car than emergency supplies...LOL

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

annieb - I am so with you! I keep books everywhere, but I have run out on vacation before and so now I'm paranoid about it.

Nikki - I always keep a pad of paper with me as well!

Jennifer - I think it's a bibliophile compulsion. Just in case we get a chance to read!

Sandy - Me too! I have a little cassette player on the counter in my bathroom

Captain - My emergency books are sometimes short story collections because they work so well. I've always wanted to read that Wolfe book.

Sarah - The book in my car is Jane Eyre because it's a comfort read. I always have a book in my purse as well. I even keep one in the bag I take to the dog park.

Diane - Bahaha, clearly you have your priorities straight!

Bybee said...

Don't listen to the Huz! The book is an essential!

Brona said...

I now have an emergency book on my new smart phone...just in case I'm caught without a book, I can always reread Pride and Prejudice :-)

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

Bybee - So true!

Brona - That's a good idea. I'm always worried my car will die and I won't want to waste my phone battery reading.