The Girl Who Fell From the Sky
by Heidi W. Durrow
Rachel is a young bi-racial girl with a Danish mother and African-American father. She grew up never being persecuted for her race and never knowing she was “different” from anyone else. At age 11, she’s sent to live with her grandma in Portland, OR after a family tragedy leaves her on her own. Suddenly her race is very important to the people around her and she has to come to terms with that.
This book didn’t work for me. It’s not bad and I’ve heard some rave reviews, but I just couldn’t connect. The rotating narrative was a bit confusing. First Rachel is telling the story, then her old neighbor Brick, then her mother’s friend Laronne, etc. There’s was a lot going on, but there was little resolved. The book is well-written and deals with some important issues, it just felt hollow for me.
Here’s another opinion at Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin’?
This is one book that I've been meaning to read for a long time now.
I've not read this book yet, because I've gotten weird vibes. The book is literally on every best of list I've seen, but there is something about the blogger reviews I've read that have held me back.
I read so manny rave reviews of this one, but it just didn't work for me.
It sounds a little like Caucasia by Danzy Senna and Quicksand by Nella Larsen. Also, I wonder where they got the idea for that title?
I'm sorry this one didn't work for you! I've been wanting to read it but now I'm afraid my expectations are just too high.
Bybee - I hadn't heard of either of those, but I looked them both up and they do sound similar. I'm curious if you liked them. The title is definitely explained in the book, but I couldn't get into that without giving away major plot points.
Swapna - I've been there before. It's hard to go into a book thinking you'll love it.
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