It’s only taken me 2.5 months to post about this, but better
late than never!
So as a first time mom I’d read a million articles and taken
all the classes, but nothing can really prepare you for childbirth. I’m a
planner and I like to know what’s coming, so the unreliability of pregnancy and
labor was a challenge for me.

On my actual due date, Jan. 13, I went to work. At 1 pm I
met my husband at the OBGYN for our regular appointment. We did a no stress
test for the first time and the baby was moving like crazy and everything went
well. Then we met with the doctor for my examination. She took one look and
checked my cervix and said, “Well, you need to head to the hospital.”
Our very
punctual baby decided I needed to go into labor on my actual due date! We were beyond shocked. She said I was already 6 cm dilated
and about 80% effaced. She said I had been progressing slowly for weeks.
Instead of going through the early stage of labor in a few hours, I’d been
doing it for weeks because our baby was turned a bit and wasn’t pushing on the
cervix. So the early stage of labor was pretty much done! I called my work and
let them know I wasn’t going to be back after my appointment… or anytime in the
next 10 weeks.

We got there and I was still my clothes from work and a
hoodie I’d thrown on. We went up the special elevator for women in labor and
when we walked up to the nurses’ station they looked at us like we were lost. I
think they thought we must be visiting someone, because I definitely didn’t
look like a woman in labor.
Our doctor had called ahead, so I was immediately checked
in. The rooms were so nice and huge! My doctor really wanted me to start on
Pitocin immediately. I was actually kind of bummed because my doctor wasn’t on
call that night. Another doctor at the practice was the one making
recommendations and I wasn’t a huge fan. My nurses supported my decision not to
start Pitocin yet and they broke my water instead.
For the first few hours I walked around the halls with my
husband, tried the birthing tub for a while, and was able to move freely in the
room. I really wanted to be able to do that and so I was definitely glad it
worked out that way.
My best friend got there around 8 pm. She’s got three
kids, so she knew what to expect. She brought snacks for my husband and rubbed my
feet when I was in the hospital bed. She was amazing! My sister, a professional
photographer, got there a bit later and took some photos of the early stages for us. It was nice
to be able to chat with people to get your mind off the contractions. They were
definitely getting more intense. At one point I started puking, which is fun. I also couldnt stop shivering. They kept bringing me warmed blankets. I had serious heartburn through the labor too, which I thought was weird. Labor stalled out around 10 pm. I was stuck at 8 cm and we decided to start
Pitocin around 11 pm. I got an epidural at that point.

After that we had about 3 more hours of labor. The pain was
gone, woo hoo! We could track the contractions, but it was weird not to feel
every bit of them. Our daughter’s heart rate was dropping whenever we had a
contraction, so we were trying different positions to fix it. After an hour of
pushing our daughter was born at 3:11 am. Her head came out and we realized the
umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. I stopped pushing while they cut it
and then delivered her the rest of the way. That was the reason her heart rate
had been dropping during labor.
She was 6 lbs and 9 ounces and 20.75 inches long. She was
just gorgeous and so alert from the very first second! There were no other
issues and so we got to hold her almost immediately. Even from the first
minutes she loved sticking her feet straight up in the air. After about an hour
we invited my sister and best friend to come back and meet her.
All around it was a
pretty great experience. I know there’s so much you can’t control when you have
a baby and I’m beyond grateful that our delivery was a smooth one.
All photos are private and cannot be used by any other source.
Beautiful baby and mama. Thank you for sharing your story.
My son had the cord wrapped too and I ended up with an emergency section before they could knock me out. I am so glad your delivery did not go that route. I was scared to have another kid after that which is why my daughter and son are five years apart.
Yay, Sydney!! She has been so alert from day one.
So beautiful!! And isn't that amazing that you didn't realize you were in labor until you had your visit? I can't even imagine the rush of emotion you both must have felt as she told you to get to the hospital. Im glad everything went so smoothly and that you were able to spend time with family and friends during the labor. And good for you for speaking your wishes about the pitocin!
Sydney is such a sweet and happy babe. Love that last picture you included. So beautiful!
Beautiful story... worth waiting 2.5 months for :)
Congrats again & I love that last picture!
What a great story! I'm glad it went well.
figandthistle - Awww thanks!
Ti - Oh my gosh, that's so scary! Child birth is not for the faint of heart.
Trish - It was surreal! I think I made the doctor repeat it about 3 times before I completely understood that it was time to go to the hospital.
JoAnn - It was weird to think back on all the details. It felt like it was yesterday and a year ago all at the same time.
bibliophilica - I do too. She loves to smile!
Amanda - Me too!
I love birth stories! I'm so glad everything went so well. Sydney is beautiful, and those first photos are absolutely precious.
Those photos are amazing! I puked as well, from nerves, I think. I'll never have another truffle pizza in my life!
Amy - She is perfect, but I may be a little biased.
Alex - Ha, that's hilarious that you remember exactly what you ate.
Congratulations! She's adorable.
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