by Sue Monk Kidd
Set in the 1800s, Sarah is the daughter of a Charleston judge who receives a slave girl for her 11th birthday. The gift horrifies her, but is the beginning of a relationship that will change her forever. The plot follows the relationship between Sarah and her handmaid Hetty (Handful) over the course of their lives. Their intertwined lives change the way that both of them see the other race. They are both fighting against their very different forms of imprisonment they face and find solace in their bond.
The audiobook version, which I listened to, includes a note from the author at the end. She explains where the inspiration for the book came from and tells the readers exactly which parts are fact and which are fiction. I absolutely loved that section. I had no idea until the book was over that Sarah Grimke and her sister Angelina were real people and groundbreaking forces for both the abolitionist and feminist movements. Knowing that gave the entire book a different weight for me.

The book deals with some heartbreaking looks at slavery and the casual way it was accepted in the South. One of the best examples in the book of the difference between the way the slave see themselves and the way their white owner see them is their names. Each slave has a name that's given to him by his owner when he's born, but they also are given a name by their mother and that's their true name. Hetty was truly “Handful” throughout her life to everyone other than the “masters.” Throughout a slaves life they live with that dichotomy, who they really are and then who they are as a slave.
BOTTOM LINE: Well written and interesting, I just wish I’d known it was based on a real pair of sisters from the beginning. To me, that’s the most incredible part of the story. I loved learning about the Grimke sisters. I can’t imagine being born into a slave-owning family and then becoming a leader in the fight against slavery. It’s just incredible.
Image from here.
I'm so glad I listened to this book - the audio version was really excellent! I loved the authors note at the end, too. Although I'd read that the Grimkes were actual historical figures, I somehow forgot about it for the first third of the book. Was glad it hit me sooner rather than later though. I almost think there should have been a quick note at the beginning with lengthier details saved for the end.
I've yet to read a Sue Monk Kid but I think you've found the book to get me to read her. This sounds fascinating.
Sounds like audio is the way to go, which is good because that's exactly the format I have this book in.
JoAnn - Yes! I wish there than a short note at the beginning, it would've added a bit more depth to the whole book.
Trisha- The Secret Life of Bees was really good too.
Ardentreader - Enjoy! The audio is so good.
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