- Revolutionary Road* by Richard Yates
- The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
- The Stepford Wives* by Ira Levin
- Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House by Eric Hodgins
- Nine Stories* (“Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut”) by J.D. Salinger
- Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House by Eric Hodgins
- Nine Stories* (“Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut”) by J.D. Salinger
- Lost In Place: Growing Up Absurd in Suburbia by Mark Salzman
- Girls of Tender Age: A Memoir by Mary-Ann Tirone Smith
Authors Who Lived Here:
- Noah Webster
- Suzanne Collins
- Mark Twain
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- E. Annie Proulx
- Wally Lamb
- Arthur Miller
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Elizabeth Gilbert
- Candace Bushnell
- Wallace Stevens
Great Bookstores in the State:
*Books I've Read
Photo by moi.
Loved Revolutionary Road and looking forward to its followup Northwest Corner. enjoy
I haven't read any of those books, but love some of the authors who have lived there. I think my only experience with CT was when I was stranded at an airport one time...
Diane - I loved that one too! So sad, but so well-written.
Sandy - I couldn't believe how many authors were from CT!
I have "Visit the Mark Twain House in Hartford" on my bucket list but may I share a secret? I have never read any of his books...
Some of these really surprised me. Mark Twain? Missouri! Harriet Beecher Stowe? I hadn't really thought about where in the north she was from, I guess. Proulx? Somehow I had gotten the impression she was Canadian.
Care - Me too! I'd love to see the Tiffany glass windows he had installed. You should definitely read some of his work first though. He really is hilarious.
Jeanne - I connect Twain with Missouri too and he was born there, but he lived in Conn. for decades and he died there. That's why I put him and Proulx in the "Authors Who Lived Here" category and not "Authors Known for Writing about the State." Proulx was born in Conn, but lived in Vermont for years, then Wyoming and now Newfoundland.
Wallace Stevens lived most of his life in Connecticut, though he started in Philadelphia. Maybe he first saw that blackbird perched on a fencepost in then-ruralish Hartford?
Julia - Thanks! I've added him to the list.
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