This week's Top Ten from The Broke and the Bookish is a freebie category. So I decided to give you my Top Ten Books I'd Want on a Desert Island. I’m going to preface this list by saying I’m counting series or “complete works of” as one book. That’s not cheating, right?
1) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare – Comedy, drama, tragedy, bawdy jokes, desperate love, Shakespeare has it all.
2) The Harry Potter series – I never get tired of reading these books.
3) The Shadow of the Wind – Gothic mystery, the cemetery of forgotten books, a Barcelona bookshop, yes please.
4) Dombey and Son – Or whatever Dickens novel I have yet to read when I’m about to be stranded.
5) The Complete Works of Jane Austen – I love these books more with each reread.
6) The Lord of the Rings – A tale of adventure, friendship and good overcoming evil; plus there are wizards and hobbits and epic battles.
7) Proust – because really, when else am I going to read all of In Search of Lost Time?
8) The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe – For when I’m feeling spooky.
9) The Time Traveler’s Wife – For when I need a beautiful love story.
10) The Anne of Green Gables series – When I’m feeling down about being stranded, I think Anne would brighten up my day.
Photo from here.
Great topic choice!
And that's totally not cheating ;) I would do the same. Good choice with 2, 6, 9, and 10. Not sure about 8. I think if I was stranded on an island, I don't need any other stuff to spook me even more.
You know you're cheating right? Too many complete works there!
Your choice of Dombey and Son reminded me of Desmond in the series Lost, who carried around Our Mutual Friend, the only Dickens he hadn't read, so that he could finally pick it up when he knew he was dying.
I haven't read some of these, but Harry Potter and Jane Austen would be on my list. And Shadow of the Wind...love that book! I'd probably include on of my favorite murder mystery series.
My topic is the top 10 books I love to reread, and it could probably cross over as books to bring with me on a desert island too, since I woudl want very rereadable books!
I love so many of these books- especially the Jane Austen and Anne of Green Gables. Great list!
Okay, I really need to read Shadow of the Wind...I've waited far too long! I would also want to bring Shakespeare, Austen and some cozy L. M. Montgomery books - great list!
Jillian - Ha, that's true, but I do love my Poe.
Alex - I forgot about Desmond doing that! My subconcious totally stole that idea. And yes, I'm definitely cheating.
Sandy - I am so excited about Zafon's new one coming out this year. I can't wait!
Amanda - Yes, desert reads are all about books you want to reread. Your list would be perfect.
Anne - I've been rereading the Anne series over the past couple years and I just love them.
Kat - Shadow is so good! I really want to reread it this year.
Okay, I've had The Shadow of the Wind sitting on my shelf for months! I really need to read it! Great list!
My Top Ten Places NOT to Read a Book
LOVE your topic! I dream of reading on a desert island. Finally some peace and quiet!!!
I like how you cheated and threw in "the complete works" and a couple of series. Good thinking :)
I did books I would want with me on a desert island as well. I almost added the Potter series, but I can read them so quickly!!!
haha I so love your theme this week! Seriously! I would have never come out with the desert island :D
Hilarious!! :) ;)
Now you don't need to buy any more books on the island. They will probably last you quite a while. ;)
I love the topic you chose! :) I think with the books you've chosen, you're all set! You've got classics, mystery, romance, fantasy, adventure ... :)
Kate - It's so good!
Mary-Sweet Bookshelf - It does sound kind of wonderful.
Brenna - I couldn't help myself.
Shane Marie - I can read them quickly, but then I'd just start all over again.
nea barabea - It's hard to keep it to just ten books.
Arti - True, and there probably wouldn't be too many bookstores on a deserted island, but it's be amazing if there were!
averydisorientedreader - I tried to cover all my bases.
You had me laughing with the Proust selection.
I just got Angel's Game so I've been thinking about listening to Shadow of the Wind as a refresher. And no--take all the series you want. Ha!
Care - It's so long!
Trish - Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Angel's Game. It's more convoluted than Shadow and when I finished it I had mixed feelings, but it's one that I kept going back to in my head. I liked it more and more the more I thought about it.
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