I have officially completed the Back to the Classics Challenge for 2011, which was hosted by Sarah Reads Too Much. Here's my complete list with my posted review. Yay for reading classics!
1) A Banned Book - The Chocolate War (1988)
2) A Book with a Wartime Setting – War and Peace (1869)
3) A Pulitzer Prize (Fiction) Winner: A Visit From the Goon Squad
4) A Children's/Young Adult Classic – Heidi (1880)
5) 19th Century Classic – David Copperfield (1850)
6) 20th Century Classic – Tender is the Night (1934)
7) A Book you think should be considered a 21st Century Classic – Persepolis (2000)
8) Re-Read a book from your High School/College Classes – Pride and Prejudice (1813)
Congratulations!!! And with even a month to spare.... Well done!
Well done, Melissa!
Great job!
Congratulations! I kind of wish I had participated in this challenge this year but I'm participating in Sarah Reads Too Much's classics challenge for 2012 so hopefully that will fill my desire for classics.
Congrats! I've signed up for next year, so this gives me hope!
Way to go! This was a fun challenge. Can't wait to get started on next year's picks :)
Thanks guys! I can't wait to start on my 2012 picks, but I'll hold off until January.
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