Have you guys seen this awesome list of 75 Signs You’re a Bibliophile? Some of them are so true!
Here are a few of my favorite...
20. You find Belle the least offensive of the Disney princesses.
29. You really, really relate to that one Twilight Zone episode with Burgess Meredith.
41. The word “abridged” gives you a migraine.
51. You usually carry around 2 books at a time.
56. You know that the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.
71. You own multiple editions of the same book.
Photo from here.
Someone has really put some thought into this! Some of these points hit WAY too close to home...
I'm particularly guilty of #12 :P
Hee hee...I recently finished Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, so I know #56 well ;)
Fun link! Thanks for sharing!
Haha really cool list! Liked #24- half of the reason I bought Freedom in hardcover immediately was to own it before the Oprah sticker
I didn't expect all of them to be perfectly accurate, but here was one that was flat-out not true:
22. You own a cat, a grand selection of tea and/or coffee, an all-purpose tote bag for shopping (that may or may not be constructed of post-consumer recycled products), a knitting habit or some combination thereof.
I don't own any of them!!!
But now I have the sudden urge to get myself that all-purpose tote bag. =P
* * *
This one is my favourite:
33. Your solutions to any sociopolitical problem inevitably involve references to eating babies.
Sandy - It's a little scary, isn't it.
Nymeth - Me too! I don't know how many times I've tried to explain what a graphic novel is.
Teacher/Learner - I love that book so much. My address is 3232 and I wish, so badly, that it was 4242. So close!
thezebracactus - Ugh, I know. I hate when she picks a classic and acts like he's "discovered" some new brilliant book.
Enbrethiliel - I'm guilty of having a lot of coffee and quite a few tote bags, they're perfect for library book sales!
76. You look through your bookmark collection and try to find one that matches the theme of your book. i.e, a whaling ship bookmark for Moby-Dick.
Oh, what a fun list! I am glad you shared this link- it is good to feel like you're part of a happy group of people, even if you're insane ;-)
And of course if you're close to finishing up one book, you also have to have a backup book in the bag!
Bybee - Guilty.
Aarti - Yes, we are crazy, but we're all cray together, so it's ok.
These are great! I do all of them except 12 (and that's related to 44), 18, 21, and 38. I looked up Mignon Fogarty and said "Oh, Grammar Girl!"
I like being in company where 62 is no longer true. I don't think it was hate as much as didn't understand, which so often ends up being the same thing.
Jeanne - That makes sense. I agree about 62. I don't think the other kids hated me, they just weren't as excited about the class as I was.
Oh what fun! Just from the few you listed I know I will see myself on the list.
#20 is my favorite. Belle and Mulan are probably my favorite Disney princesses. I'm guilty of most of them, except I don't have a crush on David Sedaris. LOL. Thanks for posting this. :)
#22, #26, and #58: Guilty as charged! Love the photo, by the way. Thanks for sharing...
Whew, am I glad some one explained #56. Well, sort of. that book is on my tbr.
Darlyn - Yeah, I never had a crush, but I do enjoy his books.
TheWingchairTraveller - Isn't that library photo gorgeous!
Care - I hope you love it!
Verry funny because they're so true! Thanks for sharing!
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