Do any of you participate in the Real Simple’s No-Obligation Book Club? I’m a huge fan of Real Simple (the magazine) and was excited when they began hosting an online book club.
I have been participating for the past couple years (it started in Sept. 2008) and thought I’d spread the word in case there’s someone who hasn’t heard of it.
I love it for a couple reason, number one being the “no-obligation” part. I’m in other book clubs and I love being able to dip into this one without having to stress about it. I always participate if I’ve already read the book. If I haven’t read the chosen book, I read it if I have time or I skip that month’s discussion.
I also love the fact that they frequently get authors to answer questions after everyone is done reading the book. I’ve love getting some behind the scenes info on books, including the most recent pick, One Day.
My final reason is the choice of books. Each month they send out a survey containing four choices for the next month’s club. They can be a brand new book or one that is 100 years old. I appreciate the variety and the fact that they let the members of the club vote to pick it; one month it was “I Capture the Castle” and another “My Life in France.” The current book is Half Broke Horses.
So if you’re having a hard time finding a book club or just want to join another great discussion of some good books, may I recommend Real Simple’s book club.
I went to the website and signed up. I love that there is some variety in the books chosen. It might get me to try some books that I wouldn't otherwise pick up. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reminding me of this group! I used to follow it when I read the magazine, and it's nice to rediscover it!
Never heard of this, thanks for recommending!
Enjoy guys! It's fun to dip in whenever they have a book you want to read.
Sounds like my kind of book club. Thanks for the tip...I'll have to check it out. Do you have to be a subscriber to the magazine?
Thanks for sharing this. I subscribed to their feed now and hope to join the club some time!
I have never even heard of Real Simple so think I had better go and investigate now.
Jenners - Nope, I think it's open to anyone.
LindyLouMac - The magazine itself is fantastic. It's full of tips for making life simpler, like finding new uses for things you already have in your house. I love it.
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