I love this picture (from here). Since I started blogging I've found myself getting hooked on more and more blogs. It's not really my fault, you guys write about fascinating stuff! Sometimes I need to just put the laptop down and pick up a real book.
Good gracious, this is so true! I can spend hours on everyone's blogs and then I feel so guilty when I look at my wonderful books that are just calling out to me!! :)
I know EXACTLY what you mean, we need more hours in the day :)
I know the feeling! Enjoy your time away :)
It is important to find the balance. It does get skewed when you start blogging but you'll eventually make it back!! : 0
It's especially overwhelming when you have been away and haven't been able to keep up with blogs. My Google reader is ridiculous right now.
This photo is so relevant. Sometimes I tell myself, ok - I can only look at 3 more blogs then I've got to shut the computer.
My sentiments exactly. Even though often I can't abide by it.. lol.
hee hee....
Yes. I try to limit myself to 15-30 minutes on Google Reader in one sitting, but I sometimes end up sitting here for quite a bit longer.
15 to 30, that's impressive. I sit down and am shocked at how quickly an hour passes in front of my Google Reader.
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