My Cousin Rachel
by Daphne du Maurier
Our narrator, Philip is a young man of 24 who was raised by his bachelor cousin Ambrose. While traveling in Italy Ambrose meets, falls for and marries a woman named Rachel. Philip begins to receive strange letters from his cousin suggesting that his new wife might be up to something, but dies before we know one way or another. Rachel then moves to England and while visiting Philip he falls for her.
Suspicion still abounds, but now the stakes are raised as Philip nears the age where he will have access to his entire fortune. As the readers, we are swept along on Philip's adventure, wondering if Rachel is planning something devious or simply a victim of circumstances.
It's difficult to maintain a heightened level of suspense for an entire book, but Daphne du Maurier is the master of this genre. She has you guessing and then second-guessing your assumptions. You question the narrator, distrust other characters' motivations, it's a delight! Her book Rebecca still remains my favorite, but I'll be reading more of her delicious books!
Wow, this sounds great! Rebecca is the only du Maurier book I've read (loved it). I think I need to give this one a try too. Sounds like Agatha Christie x Alfred Hitchcock.
I loved Rebecca but I never looked into any other du Maurier books. I'll have to check this one out. It sounds great!
Ooh, this sounds fantastic! I'm doing the du Maurier challenge, and am starting with Rebecca (I'm ashamed to admit that I've not read any du Maurier!). Great post, and this one sounds fantastic!!
I'm going to read Rebecca for the first time later this year. Very excited about it!
Definitely start with Rebecca, it's so good!
I would so love to read this one - I have heard so many recommendations and I really love Rebecca
I can't wait to read this!!! ooooooooOOOOO! (have you read The House on the Strand?)
bkclubcare - No, is it a good one?
Rebecca is sitting on my radiator now. I've checked it out from the library a few times, but I seem unable to actually open it.
Charley - I'd wait until your in the mood for a suspenseful book that keeps you guessing. It's good, but wait until it really appeals.
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