This weeks list, from Lost in Books, is 3 Books You've Read Over and Over and Over and...
1) The Harry Potter series: I can't help it. I love this series. I can read this books over and over and they don't get old, especially when I go back and forth with reading the actual book and listening to the excellent audio version. I definitely have my favorites in the series, but no matter which one I'm reading, I always get caught up in the drama.

2) The Mystery of the Cupboard: This underrated sequel in the Indian in the Cupboard series was so much better than the original (in my opinion). The book explains the origin of the magical cupboard. It came out when I was in 3rd grade and I must have read it a dozen times in that first year alone.

3) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: There's something addictive about this book for me. I can't quite explain it. Every time I see a copy in a bookstore I want to buy it and give it to someone. I love reading this book and different things stand out to me each time I read it. In fact, I think this might need to be this week's Friday Favorite.
Midnight in the Garden is one of the best travel writing books I have ever read. Someday I'm going to drive down to Savannah and see what it's all about...Harry Potter is just awesome.
Like Sharazad, Midnight in the Garden made me want to visit Savannah--I might do it this June! And yes, it's good for rereading. Everyone in there reminds me of someone, which I think is more because of the good writing than because I really know people who are like that.
I'm pretty sure you are not alone in rereading Harry Potter over and over again!!!
I visited the city a couple years ago and it was exactly how I pictured it. Spanish moss drips from the trees and everything seems to move a bit slowly. It was gorgeous.
I haven't read any of these books, but somehow I've seen the movies to all of them! That doesn't seem quite right to me...
Being a GA peach, I'm a huge fan of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Like you, I always want to buy a copy when I see it. I read it every summer.
Oh, nice list! I agree completely re: Harry Potter, and I think you're right about The Mystery in the Cupboard being underrated. I remember thinking it was a lot more satisfying than the first book. Great choices.
If you want, you can check out my list here.
Ack! And it was The Mystery OF the Cupboard. Geez...can't get it right!
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