I recorded the details of my day on Tuesday, March 15.
12:40 to 1:13 - Sydney woke up and I nursed her. I read Voyage of the Dawn Treader on my phone while she nursed. I'm slowly rereading all of Chronicles of Narnia in the wee hours of the morning. Then back to sleep for both of us. This is what we do now.
4:18 to 4:36 - Same as before, Sydney woke up and I nursed her and changed her diaper. Then back to sleep for both of us. This is a huge improvement. Up until about two weeks ago, my girl was waking up about every two hours (or less!) to eat.
7:00 -Got up and made a quick breakfast (yogurt, fruit, and granola). Diaper change for Miss Sydney. Got myself and my girl dressed and let my dog Ollie out to go to the bathroom.
8:32 to 8:56 - Nursed. Headed out the door to go to Bible Study Fellowship. (Forgot to take any pictures).
9:15 to 11:30 - Sydney got hungry and had to nurse in the middle of Bible study and then had a huge diaper blowout during the lecture. It was a poopocalypse.
11:45 - Stopped at Starbucks to get a decaf coffee. I miss the real stuff, but since I'm breastfeeding and she has been sleeping so badly at night I'm not going to risk it yet.
12 to 12:30 - Back at home we picked out a few books in her nursery and read together on the couch.
12:45 to 1: Sydney napped while I made a turkey wrap for lunch. Then she hung out in her bouncey chair in the bathroom while I managed to take a quick shower!
1:30 - Unlike most days I actually put makeup on. I listened to the Scarlet audiobook while I got ready. I'm trying to see what all the fuss is about with the Lunar Chronicles.
1:45 - It was beautiful outside, so I took Relish by Lucy Knisley and Sydney to our front porch and we hung out there for a bit and enjoyed the weather.
2 to 4:20 - Sydney nursed on and off this whole time! She's a cluster feeder and so sometimes I'm just glued to the couch while she nurses. Since I've been on maternity leave I've watched all of The West Wing and The Wonder Years. I should probably use the time to read more, but sleep deprivation is making reading a little hard at times.
5:30 to 6:30 - My husband got home from work and made BLTs for dinner while I nursed. We add avocado when we make them, because avocado makes everything better!
6:45 - My sister (who is pregnant with her sixth kiddo!) came over and we got to go to my first play since before Sydney was born! I review live theatre at Stage Write and have missed seeing shows since going on maternity leave. We saw Newsies! We watched the 1992 film version all the time when we were growing up, so it was a blast. It was also my longest time away from Sydney since she was born, which was hard, but went ok.
10:30 - Got home and pumped milk. Gabe had already given Sydney a bottle of breadtmilk and she was asleep.
Midnight - Finished pumping and went to bed.
This time in my life is not quite normal for me. Sydney is two months old and I'm going back to work fulltime soon. I'm glad I'll have a little snapshot of one of our days together. The past few weeks have been a blur or diaper changes, nursing, and trying to figure out this whole motherhood thing.
*Photos by me.